Friday 12 October 2012

Game Review: Cadoo

Now this is not the usual game that we review here, but we played it last night and I must say I found it enjoyable.

Part of the Cranium! Range of games, this one is aimed at the kids. The basic idea of the game is to get 4 in a row connect4 style, of your tokens on a board. To do this you must complete challenges, either solo or combo.
All the challenges come on cards, and what you have to do is decided by a die roll.

Solo challenges have a question on them, and you must answer it then look at the answer. The great thing is that the answers are hidden, and you need to use the red tinted glasses supplies with the game to see the answer. Complete the task, and you place one of your counters.

Combo challenges have you performing a task describing something, through acting, drawing or using modelling clay to make the item in question. The other players then have to guess what you are describing. If someone manages to, then you both place a token on the board.
The game plays this way until there is a 4 in a row, or no more pieces can be placed. The winner in this instance its the person with the most pieces that win.

Although aimed at children, this game is great for adults. The thought process that goes into the questions is different, and I found some of the questions difficult because my logic is different from a child's. It is easy, but with a group it is fun, and that's the main thing. A great party game for all ages.

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