Monday 10 February 2014

HearthStone Diary: Day 4

So heres how my first 4 days with HearthStone have gone.

Starting out with the mage deck as everyone does, I soon found that playing actual people was a lot harder than I thought that it would be. These people knew the tricks, the cards, and some seemed to know what I was actually going to play. After many defeats, moved on to another deck.

I drafted a Warlock deck, and managed to win a few games, so I took an hour to read every card, and really look into a strategy to build upon. I built a taunt/rush deck, with warlock spells to back them up. And then went 20 for 20 with the deck.

So I went into ranked matches, and got to rank 18, where the game ups a bit here. I am still looking at this deck, and I know what needs to go into it, I just need the resources.

Next up was a fighter deck. Man, them cards are hard to work with. I am about 50% with the deck at the moment, as its very slow, and works on forcing a stalemate until the point the other person has nothing to play and I can slowley whittle them down. Not great, but its there.

Also, I suck at arena. I have only been in twice, but every time 3 easy defeats for the other players. Hopefully I will get to play as either a mage or warlock soon and that might be a different story.

Overall, I can see how I have improved in 4 days, and cannot wait to see what lies ahead on this journey.

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