Monday 3 September 2012

Project Necron...again

I have decided to start yet another Necron army for 40k. This will be my third army. I really like the Necrons, the way they look and the way they play.

My last army was a 3000 point infantry based army, backed up by two monoliths. Charging Pariahs into battle backed up by a Lord was great fun, but not as much as marching 4 20 man squads across the battlefield.

This army will be put together over time, I have enough left over bits to field some sort of kill team or small army.

The line up so far is this:

1 Lord
10 Necron Warriors
6 Destroyers
6 Scarab bases

I am probably going to add a squad of Deathmarks, a Monolith, 10 more troops, and bring the scarabs up to 10 bases.

Work in progress!
I have gone for a different colour scheme this time. Both my last two armies were the classic silver variety, this time I have decided to try something different. Here is a work in progress of some scarabs:

I think they look cool anyway. I will be painting these in my spare time, and am not to bothered about them winning any awards or anything, just to get them to a good table top standard that I am happy with.

Their first march will be at Thursday Night Gaming this week, against Chaos and Imperial Guard.

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