Wednesday 8 August 2012

Bitten by the MMORPG bug...

So my friend had been badgering me for a while to sign up for EvE online, so I decided to take up the free trial and see what it was all about.

Let me just say, I'm not a huge fan of computer games, and over the last few years has mainly been focused on Sonic and Mortal Kombat on the Xbox 360. Stepping into the online world was a odd feeling I must say, 25,000 people all playing the same game, together, was to be frank, a bit odd to me.

EvE is a massive space exploration game set in the far future. Its like a modern day Elite, with a few key differences, but there really are many many paths to glory in this game. No path to win, as its a completely open ended game. Which is something I like about RPG's, so why not a computer game?

So I delved in to EvE, and I have to say, WOW! I could not have been more wrong. It really is immersive, with great sound and graphics, and a real sandbox go anywhere do anything style of game play. I am just looking around at the moment, trying to understand how it actually works. I liken this to trying to learn the whole of the D&D core rulebook in one sitting. Confusing, but there are lots of people in the game who will help you out and point you in the right direction (as well as people who just want to blow you up, but hey, I'm just running away from them until I can fight back!)

I will write a post in the next few days, to tell you all about my impressions of this game. I am just on a trial account at the moment, and do not know yet if I shall subscribe. If the game keeps on delivering though, I may just pay for a extra month...

EvE online has just been updated with a new expansion, Inferno 1.2, and with a 14 day free trial, what’s stopping you?

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