Wednesday 29 August 2012

My EvE story so far...

So I have had a while to reflect on EvE. And I must say, this is one of the best PC games that I have ever played.

So far my time has been spent mining a lot, and since I got into a retriever, my mining yield and money skyrocketed (from what it was, mining in a Catalyst..). I know I am still right at the beginning of my journey, and with less than a million skill points, even worse than what could be a noob in this game.

I see in the rookie chat a lot of people are struggling to get to grips with this game, asking questions which answers were glaringly obvious to myself. But that is the pure essence of this game, people need to ask questions to improve their experience. What is obvious to one person, is impossible to see for others. Indeed, I have asked a few questions myself, that with the responses I got, were the same questions mentioned above, but from someone else.

The people are what make this game. Most people will help you hand over fist, especially in high-sec. I have made some new online friends here, and hope to make more. There are, of course, people that just want to blow you up for fun. It happened to me, but instead of being bitter, I learn't from what had happened. Don't go into low-sec on your own in a transporter. Obvious to some, not so for others.

I have not even touched upon the PVP aspect of this game, as I have been playing this game as I would be doing in real life, and that is passively making money from mining and market manipulation. This is the best aspect of the game for me, the market.

Almost completely player driven, the market is subject to the surges of a real market. You can buy up all the available stock, and charge people a fortune to buy the basics, or you can manufacture your own goods and sell them cheaper than everyone else.

This is the type of game that I like. Strategic and quite a bit of skill needed to see the market trades that can be pulled off. I made my first 5 million ISK (the in game currency) doing just this. In the grand scheme of things, 5 million is spare change, but not bad for a 2 day old character.

There is so much to be said about this game. All I will say is this: If you like your sci-fi, and don't mind paying a monthly subscription (although, if you do get good at this game, you can use the in game currency to pay for a sub, currently around 500mil ISK) then play this game. It is such a wide reaching game, there really is something for everyone and every style of play. It is as open ended as you can get, and I hope to be playing this for many years to come.


  1. Just got the email about your Thursday night gaming nights. I've been looking for something like this in the area and this sounds great. I'm a casual gamer (I play Memoir 44, Settlers, Ticket to Ride, Puerto Rico, Apples to Apples etc.) and a games night at a local pub is ideal. Only problem is that my wife is out on Thursday nights, leaving me on baby-sitting duties! Hopefully she'll be freed up after xmas. I just hope the Thursday night sessions are a success and last until then!

    Fingers crossed and good luck to you. Great to see things like this starting up in Bearwood.


  2. Hi Stephen! If you add us on Facebook, we have other days when just a few of us get together to play some games, and you would be more than welcome to come along to one of these sessions.

  3. Sounds good. I've liked you on facebook and Ill hope I'm free when youre meeting up!
