Tuesday 7 August 2012

Game Review: Yes! No!

The basic premise of this game: Answer the questions asked you, but you cannot answer yes or no. If you do, you lose. If you get through without saying yes no, then you win the round.

Sounds easy? It's not, especially as all the questions are obviously “yes” or “no” answers, and you cant repeat other answers, so say “maybe” twice and you lose.

This is a game not to be played sober. Neither is it a game to be played whilst drunk. Sober, its boring, and drunk, there is always someone who keeps tapping the bell, doing everyone's head in. So you take the bell away, and it becomes boring.

The only time when this would be fun I feel is after a long party, when everyone has had a lot to drink, and its just played between individual people. We have tried this as a actual get together game at the table, and it quickly got put back. Even I cannot put a silver lining in this one. Pick one up if you see it for 50p or the like, but I cannot recommend buying this new.

A short review, as there really is not a lot to say about this. Maybe if it was reworked it might play better.

Score: 3/10

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