Tuesday 10 July 2012

Learning the hard way...

So after nearly two weeks after my quitting my job to run Farlands Games full time, what have I learnt so far?

I have learnt that this lark is hard. Hard work, early mornings and late nights. And I am still only internet based. But hard work I have always found to be fun, I love the challenge that life in general can throw at you.

Learning not to trust people, but having to almost walk their path as well as your own. The debacle that was Thursday Night Gaming is a testament to this, and will not be making that mistake again in a hurry.

Getting supplies is a tricky one for me at the moment. As you know (or may not), I want to start supplying new board games to the masses. Getting my hands on these is another matter. Companies, for some reason I cannot understand, do not want to sell to you unless you are a “bricks and mortar”. I would have thought, that in this day and age, a sale was a sale, no matter where it went as long as you paid the price they were asking? Anyway, lets not dwell on that. I have a supplier, I just need to make that order.

Coupled to the above fact though, I have started coming up with my own game ideas, Farlands Originals if you will. I came up with one last night, and am surprised to see that no one on the internet has yet brought it to production. This game will be cool, you will all know how to play it, but it has a nice twist that makes it unique. But more on that later.

Most of all I have learnt that my new job is fun. I have never had a job that is fun, and I know this will have its moments, but I am having a real blast at the moment, and when it all comes together properly at the end of this month, (or the next..), I will be so glad that I left my old job and started Farlands Games properly.

Until the next post, peace and happy gaming

David Dunne

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