Friday 20 July 2012

Thursday Night Gaming 19/7/12

The night went very well again! There was a different turnout of people, but it matched the same amount as last week.

Everyone enjoyed themselves, with many games going on. On one table was a three way game of Scrabble going on, and from the words that were going down I would not have stood a chance. On another table was a rather fun looking game, Yahtzee Poker. I didn’t get chance to play this, but it looks like a great, fast and fun party game. I am going to have to check this one out, as I could not quite grasp the rules from the quick look that I got.

The main event, which I participated in was a rather awesome game of Warhammer 40000. We had decided on a 1000 point game, and I used a alliance of Orks and Space Marines, against the might that are the Grey Knights. I had 43 models on my side, including the Dakkajet, and the Grey Knights were only 11 models strong. And I got the beating of my life in this game. To say that I have only ever lost 3 games of 40k in the past 6 years, this was a shock. Grey Knights are just stupidly over powered (which is why now, I think my next army will be them...). I can't even see a strategy that could overcome them, but there must be one. The game took the best part of the night, and the 6th edition rules really shined through in this game.

After that, a few round of Magestones whilst we waited for the others to finish their games, then we finished up on a game of Railways of the World: The card game. Again this was played with people that had never played it and had no interest in the theme, but again these people loved it. I am slowly converting the world to love ROTW, one person at a time....

All in all another fantastic night, and one that I hope will continue to grow with new people and seasoned gamers coming down.

If you are in the area, then we are there every Thursday from 730pm onwards. Come on down, and lets play some games!

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