Thursday 19 July 2012

Nice and quick games

Now I think we all like games that we can sink our teeth into, and I do like a game that lasts 4 hours plus every now and then, but with the stresses of modern day to day life, it can be hard to get a game like that to the table.

This is a list of our top games that are quick and, most importantly, fun.

  1. MageStones: Whenever we have 20 minutes to spare, generally this what will come out. Set up time is no more that 30 seconds, and play time 5-10 minutes each game. This is the go to game for waiting for people, or just to wind down from a hard day. Unfortunately, this game is getting increasingly difficult to find these days.

  2. Dominion: This is a odd one for this list. On one hand, it can take a long time to play with a few people, but with two people who know what they are doing, set up time is minimal, and so are game times. 10-15 Minutes per games, with only one game still being able to scratch that board game itch if needed.

  3. Rummikub: Easy to play for children and adults alike, this takes a minute to set up and about 5 minutes per game. Easily available, this is a great place to start for your “quick game” section of your collection.

  4. Dawn Under: At the time of writing this, I am having a hard time finding anywhere that sells this, and it looks like eBay is the best bet. A nice, bright and fun memory game, get your vampires to bed in the graveyard before the sun comes up!


  5. Scrabble: No collection is complete without at least one copy of scrabble. The way we play, set a time limit, say 20 minutes, highest score by that point wins. And no time wasting!

So that's our list, our top 5 quick games. Go to and tell us your top 5!

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